Cookie policy

Cookie disclaimer

Aware of the importance of the protection of personal data, Moovie S.r.L. (“Moovie”) informs the users (“interested party”) of its website (accessible at the address (“Website”) that it utilizes cookies to make the navigation smoother and that the data gathered in such a way will be treated in compliance with the current legislation on the matter.
Moovie therefore encourages all interested users to examine the following information, provided in compliance with the art.13 of the Guidelines (UE) n.2016/679 (“Guidelines”), with regard to the treatment of data gathered via cookies, and reserves the right to update them, subject to dedicated communication to the interested users, by posting them on the website.

1. Type of data gathered via cookies (“Data”), purposes, judicial basis of treatment and period of storing.
Cookies are small strings of text that the websites visited by a user send to their terminal (usually to their browser), where they’re stored to be then transmitted again to said websites upon the next visit by the user.
Il sito utilizza esclusivamente cookie tecnici ed analitici con potenzialità identificative limitate.
The website only employs technical and analytical cookies with limited identification properties.
Technical cookies are only used to send communications to an electronic communication net, or as far as strictly necessary for the service provider from the information society to provide the service requested by the consumer.
Analytic cookies, instead, are used to analyse and test the use of the Website by the Interested Party. Analytic cookies are equated to technical cookies whenever used directly by the website admin (Moovie, in this case) to gather data, in aggregated form, on the number of users and how they visit the Website itself.
The legal basis which legitimates the treatment of Data with this kind of cookies is art.6, par.1, Letter B of the Guidelines since it’s required to guarantee the User’s fruition of the requested service.
Without prejudice to said provisions, the Interested Party can utilise Your Online Choices, a service which allows to manage one’s tracking preferences on most advertising tools.

2. Duration of Data storage
Data gathered using cookies are stored exclusively throughout all the period of time necessary to the provision of the service. To that end, please note that cookies installed from the Website are temporary and are automatically erased on the date stated in this disclaimer. Data gathered by services traceable to Google will be stored for a period of 14 months.

3. Modalities of data processing
Transferred data are processed via electronical tools via authorised personnel: these are organised in the database and memorised on devices which are suitable to data storing. In this regard, Moovie adopted specific safety measures in order to avoid losing them, illicit and improper usage, as well as unauthorised access.
Moovie does not resort to automated decision-making processes.

4. Data transfer
Data transfer for said purposes is optional: if denied, there will be no consequences. The installation of technic, analytic and third-party cookies is also optional (as mentioned, it can also be avoided by checking the designated box in the browser settings) but, without them, the interested party is likely to encounter difficulties while browsing the website or utilising some of the provided services.

5. Data Communication
Data may be communicated to: (i) subjects to whom the law acknowledges the faculty and interest of accessing said Data; (ii) societies, associations, or professional studies Moovie turns to in order to execute specific activities, fulfil legal requirements, and for any other organisational and/or administrative need necessary to provide the requested services, upon their appointment as Supervisors of Processing (“Supervisors”). The names of the designated Supervisors can be requested by writing to the contact addresses specified at point no.9. It remains understood that the Data will not be shared.

6. Data Transfer outside of the EU or to international organisations
Moovie does not transfer Data gathered while browsing or using the services available on the website to countries outside the EU or to international organisations.

7. Interested party’s rights
Interested parties can exercise, in any given moment, their rights, as per Guidelines. Among them the rights of:
Requesting information on: (i) the source of the Data; (ii) the purposes of processing them; (iii) the logic implemented when using electronical tools; (iv) our and our Supervisors’ identification details.
Obtain: (i) access, update, correction, or integration of Data; (ii) cancellation, anonymous transformation, or blocking of Data processed in violation of the law; (iii) limitation of Data processing; (iv) standard-form copy of the Data.
Oppose, as a whole or partially, to the processing that has been carried out:
For scientific, historic, or statistic research purposes, even if relevant to the purpose of the collection, when such opposition is based upon reasons linked to one’s specific condition;
For a matter of public interest, or related to the exercise of official authority of which Moovie could be invested in as Data Controller or in order to pursue its legitimate interest;
For promotional, advertisement, or direct marketing purposes;
Revoke, at any given moment, the consent given, on which the Data processing is based, without affecting the validity of the processing carried out before, based on the consent previously given.
Make, in case they think Data processing carried out by Moovie is in violation of the law, a complaint to the supervisory authorities of the member State they usually reside or work in, or of the place where the alleged violation has been made.
The Italian Data Protection Authority can be contacted on the addresses listed onits own website.

8. Data Controller
The Data Controller Moovie S.r.l. (VAT 08533450964), based at 41, Corso San Gottardo, 20136 Milano, in the person of its present legal representative. Moovie can be contacted on the following e-mail address:
To exercise the aforementioned rights, the Interested parties can write to the following e-mail address: