General terms of website


Kind customer,
The following terms and conditions of service (“Terms of use”) regulate the access and use of the services, better described as follows (“Services”), provided by Moovie S.r.l. (VAT and FC 08533450964), with registered office in 41, Corso San Gottardo, 20136 Milano (MI) (“Moovie”), via the website (“Website”).
Whether you intend to benefit from the Services offered here or you’re casually browsing, we hereby ask you to peruse the following Terms of Use. We remind you that you’ll be able to save a “.pdf” copy by using the “Print” feature on the browser employed during the surfing.

Using the Website – even as a consequence of a random access – constitutes a full acceptance of all provided for in these Terms of Use.
Moovie reserves the right to revise and update, whether as a whole or partially, these Terms of Use, by posting on the Website. It remains understood that these revisions and/or updates will come into effect only following their release/posting. The customer is therefore encouraged to check the content of these Terms of Use regularly, in order to remain constantly updated on how to use the Website.

1. By browsing the Website (“Browsing the website”) one can obtain information regarding our business;
take note on the mail addresses (electronic or otherwise) to be used to contact Moovie to obtain further information;
browse the products sold by Moovie (if present);
2. Apart from browsing the website, one can benefit from other services, aimed at improving one’s interaction with Moovie, such as, for instance, subscribing to the newsletter and to the service of information by filling out a contact form in the dedicated Contacts section (“Other services”). To be able to benefit from these Other Services one has to:
– fill out the forms relative to the chosen Other Service, writing the personal information required;
-read the privacy disclaimer relative to the chosen Other Service.
3. The possibility of browsing the website isn’t to be intended as aimed to the conclusion of contracts of provision of services rendered by Moovie, but exclusively to give visibility both to those services and to the products potentially to be sold by Moovie.

1. Everyone is allowed to browse the website freely.
2. By acceding and using the website services – including viewing pages, communicating with us, downloading contents (“Contents”) – one is required to respect the applicable regulations, as well as Moovie’s – and its commercial partners’ – rights. To this end, Moovie reminds you that any unauthorised use of the website and its contents will be persecuted;
3. Specifically, while using the website, the user shall: (I) refrain from using software programs or any other automated or manual mechanisms to copy, access the website pages or their contents without our written and express authorisation; (II) carry out any action that might cause an unreasonable overload of activity to the technological infrastructures of the Website or to Moovie’s informatic systems; (III) copy, reproduce, alter, modify or divulge its contents without express written authorisation by Moovie or by the third party entitled to intellectual property rights; (IV) use mechanisms, software programs, or procedures that might interfere with the proper functioning of the Website; (V) bypass the tools implemented to exclude automated search engine systems (bots) or other means adopted by Moovie to prevent or limit access to the Website.
4. The website is presented “as is”, therefore:
a. its functioning can be subjected to interruptions or errors due to Internet connection or malfunctions. In case of any problems while using the website, the user is encouraged to contact their Internet Services Provider and to check that all devices used to connect to the net – including the browsing software – work properly;
b. Services may not meet the user’s expectations;
c. Services might be modified, suspended, or interrupted for technical or organisational matters.

1. As mentioned, apart from browsing the website, the user will be able to benefit from the following Other Services:
– subscribe to the newsletter in order to receive updates on Moovie’s services and products;
– send requests in order to have clarifications on Moovie’s services and products;
2. In order to use said Services, the consumer shall:
– fill out the relative form to allow access to their personal data (for example, e-mail address, full name), required for the proper use of the requested Service;
– Read the privacy disclaimer relative to the requested Service, clicking on “accept” at the “I’ve read and agree to Moovie’s Terms of Use and Privacy Disclaimer” (or similar) section at the end of the disclaimer. If the box is not selected, the form can’t be sent and therefore Moovie won’t be able to receive and process the request.
– when asked, accept or deny one or more agreements in order to allow us to process further data than the ones required to provide the requested Service. For the effects of denying data processing, see the privacy disclaimers relative to the requested Service.

1. By accessing the services provided for by the website, the consumer confirms that:
– they are an adult;
– they will not try and override the security measures or violate the web;
– they will not use the website for purposes other than its intended one;
– they will not undertake any illegal activity in relation to the use of the website or the Services provided for in it;
– they will provide, when requested, true, correct and complete data.
Filling out incorrect, incomplete or erroneous data in the website forms (for example, an incorrect e-mail address) may result in the impossibility for Moovie to provide the Service requested by the consumer.
2. It remains understood that the customer is the sole responsible for their own conduct, and, particularly:
– of the violation of what provided by art.5.1, for the claims – including compensation of damages – made by third parties with regard to the infringement of their own rights;
– of the illegal and improper use of the website as well as of any subsequent damage, responsibility, injury that Moovie may suffer.
3. In addition to the above, in any case, without prejudice to the provisions under art.9 – Violation of General Terms of Use, Moovie reserves the right to deny access to the Services to the consumer if a substantial violation of the provisions under these General terms of Use should verify. Among them:
– failure to update data
– unlawful communication of data (for instance, providing false data or data pertaining to others);
– use of website in a different way than hereby intended or for illicit purposes.

1. Moovie reserves the right to put certain products up for sale and to notify customers via the website.
2. In that case, Moovie will post the Conditions of Sale on a dedicated page of the Website, accessible by the following link.
3. To request information with regard to the purchase of the aforementioned products, the customers are encouraged to write to the following e-mail address:

1. Moovie commits to treating its own Customers’ personal data in full compliance with the provisions as per current legislation, as stated on the General disclosure relative to the website navigation (accessible here), on the ones accessible via the website, and on those relative to the Services provided.

1. The brand “Moovie”, the company name “Moovie S.r.l.”, the domain name (and all further URL redirecting the consumer to said domain), the Website, as well as its graphic layout and texts are property of or in license to Moovie and are protected by national and international laws on intellectual and industrial property (“Intellectual Property”).
2. The publishing, distributing, viewing, modifying, creating derived works, and handling of Contents or Intellectual property, in any way performed, are strictly forbidden without written authorisation by Moovie or the third-party owner.
3. Given all the above, for sole personal and not commercial purposes, the Consumer will be able to browse the content of the Website – on their computer, tablet, or smartphone -, keep it on their disk in electronic form (although not on a server or on a device connected to the internet) and print a copy of it. In that case, they must specify or report the owner of the relative copyright and industrial property rights.
4. Names of goods and products owned by third-party entities, as well as their company names and hallmarks, including when representing registered or unregistered trademarks, found on the Website pertain exclusively to their respective owners. The Consumers are encouraged to contact such third parties directly if they intend make use of said marks.

1. If the consumer violates these Terms of Use, Moovie is going to take all actions and measures, including the judiciary ones, to promptly remedy to it.
2. By way of example, Moovie reserves the right to: cease any – business or not – relationship with the Consumer; limit, suspend or interrupt access to the Services; deny or delay access to the Site; take technical and legal action to prevent access to the Site.
3. In any case, Moovie reserves the right to inform the Competent Authorities of any illicit conduct and to take action to receive compensation of all damages, economic or not, potentially suffered.

1. These Terms of Use and all documents relative to them constitute the whole agreement between the Consumer and Moovie regarding the Browsing of the Website and the use of Other Services. There is no other document capable of waiving, complementing, and modifying the general and specific terms of use of said Services.
2. Any waive to these Terms of Use and relative documents will have to be formalised through a written and signed document between Moovie and the Consumer.
3. Should any provision prove void or ineffective, the potential nullity or ineffectiveness will not extend to the remaining provisions of the contract.
4. Except in case of different provisions, communicated from time and time, all legal and contractual communications will have to be directed to the registered office of Moovie, as indicated above.

1. The applicable law to these Terms of Use, as well as all extant judiciary rapports between the user of the website and Moovie in relation to the Services provided by the website, is the Italian one, with the express exclusion of the international private law relative to law conflicts.
2. If the User also acts as a consumer, in compliance with the Legislative Decree 6th September 2005, no.206, art.66 et seq., Moovie specifies:
a. Any controversy relative to the implementation, execution, or interpretation of these Terms of Use will be under the jurisdiction of the judge of the place where the User resides or is domiciled, as long as it’s located in the Italian territory;
b. All and every dispute inherent, be it directly or indirectly, to the conclusion, execution, interpretation, and termination of business relationships derived by the use of the services offered by the website that can’t be solved in an amicable way can be transferred to the Alternative Dispute Resolution authorities.
To this end, please remember that the consumer can access the composition services made available by the UE via the online platform a href=””>


General Terms of Use of website – Version 1.0 (April 2021)